Indian Vegetable Fritters with Lime and Tahini Yoghurt Sauce

, from Issue #36. August, 2015
Photography by Manja Wachsmuth.
Indian Vegetable Fritters with Lime and Tahini Yoghurt Sauce

Serves: 4


2 cups small cauliflower florets
1 large carrot, peeled
200 grams kumara, peeled
1 large zucchini
½ red capsicum, finely diced
2 spring onions, thinly sliced

3 eggs
¾ cup chickpea flour
1½ teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon ground garam masala
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon each ground turmeric and ginger
2 cloves garlic, crushed
finely grated zest 1 large lemon
¼ cup each packed mint and coriander
freshly ground pepper

Lime and tahini yoghurt sauce
1 cup thick plain yoghurt
2 tablespoons tahini
finely grated zest and juice 1 lime
1 clove garlic, crushed
¼ cup each packed mint and coriander

To cook
olive oil
knob of butter
rocket leaves
2 avocadoes, sliced
purchased chilli jam, optional


Vegetables: Cut the carrot, kumara and zucchini into thick julienne. Bring a saucepan of well salted water to the boil. Blanch the cauliflower, carrot and kumara for two minutes then the zucchini for one minute. Remove with a slotted spoon to a bowl of cold water. Drain well and tip onto a clean tea towel to remove excess water. Set aside.

Batter: Put the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Tip into a large bowl and fold in all the vegetables, turning until everything is well coated in the batter. The ratio of batter to vegetables is quite small. It provides just enough to hold the vegetables together without making them into a doughy fritter.

Sauce: Place the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Season well.

To cook: Heat a little olive oil and butter in a sauté pan and cook large spoonfuls of fritter mixture over a medium heat for 3-4 minutes each side until golden and cooked through. Remove from the pan, drain on kitchen towels and keep warm in a low oven.

To serve: Place two fritters on each plate and serve with ½ a sliced avocado, rocket, the tahini sauce and chilli jam if using. Makes about 8 fritters to serve 4