Give back to those who need it most this Christmas
Photography by Josh Griggs.

Get native trees planted, have sandwiches made for kids who need them or put a roof over the head of women and children who need it.
After a challenging year, many individuals and families are struggling this festive season. It's a reminder that gift-giving is a special privilege that can help those in need.
We've partnered with our friends at Good Magazine to bring you a list of organisations and charities you can donate to. Scroll down to see what businesses and charities you can support these holidays.
Gift a Safe Night with Women's Refuge
Help the victims of family violence by booking a safe night for a woman and child from just $20. A safe night includes a clean bed, child care, hot meals, 24-hour security, and advice and support.
Donate a Safe Night here.
Provide meals to those who need it with DINEAID
Founded by a group of caring New Zealand restaurateurs in 2012, DINEAID raises money through participating restaurants across the country and supports food banks in our three biggest cities.
Click here to donate.
Donate to struggling families with Variety the Children's Charity
Provide grocery support for struggling families this Christmas with a donation from anywhere between $20 - $100.
Set up a donation here.
Support queer, gender diverse, takatāpui and intersex youth with RainbowYOUTH
Help charitable organisation RainbowYOUTH support queer, gender diverse, takatāpui and intersex youth by donating via its Givealittle page. RainbowYOUTH wants all young people to thrive. It provides safe and respectful support to young people and their wider communities.
Click here to see the Givealittle page to read more or to donate.
Provide hospice care with Mercy Hospice
Mercy Hospice is a free service for patients with a life-limiting illness needing palliative care, and donations help keep its services free for those in need.
Click here to donate.
Feed hungry Kiwis with Everybody Eats
Everybody Eats' mission is to reduce food waste, food poverty and social isolation in New Zealand. Donate to help them to feed the homeless, elderly, single parents and other struggling kiwis through their open-invite dining concepts in Auckland, Wellington & Papamoa. Just $10 provides three meals.
Click here to read more, sign up, or donate.
Care for animals with SPCA
From just $25, a donation can give shelter, a bed and blankets to animals in need, or provide a sick and injured animal a veterinary examination.
Click here to donate.
Provide Kiwi kids with lunches with Eat My Lunch
Every time you buy a lunch from Eat My Lunch, they give one to a child in need too, helping Kiwi kids learn on full tummies in your community.
You can donate, set up lunches to be delivered to your friends and family, or gift a subscription where you can set up a Give Lunch(s) to be given every week, fortnight or month to the kids in Eat My Lunch's Give Programme.
Go to to see more.
Plant native trees with Trees That Count
Help plant trees in your community or donate to help buy trees that others will then plant in your community. You can donate money for trees on behalf of a loved one, or set up a registry to fundraise for trees if that is your preffered gift option this year!
Go to to see more.
Support the aged in your community with Age Concern
Dedicated to people over 65, Age Concern promotes dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people's needs. They fight elder abuse and neglect and help older people live full lives.
You can donate or volunteer here.
latest issue:
Issue #119
Welcome to 2025 and a brand-new year of whipping up delicious recipe withdish! We start the year right with issue 119, jam-packed with easy, mouthwatering meals to make at home. From stunning salads to quick and tasty one-pan chicken dishes, to spectacular sweet treats. We have duos covered with our dinners for two, plenty of wonderful recipes for easy flavour-packed entertaining and make the most of the abundance of fresh seasonal produce. We finish off with a whistle-stop tour of South Australia’s wine country and a round-up of our top tipples from 2024. The latest issue of dish is on sale NOW at all good bookstores and supermarkets – don’t miss it!