Greek Roasted Chicken with Lemon, Oregano and Garlic

. November, 2020
Photography by Sarah Tuck.
Greek Roasted Chicken with Lemon, Oregano and Garlic

Come on now, who doesn’t love a roast chook?

Serves: 6


1.7kg whole chicken
5 cloves garlic
2 lemons
2 bay leaves
3 sprigs fresh rosemary
3 sprigs fresh oregano
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
sea salt
1 cup white wine
1 tablespoon dried oregano


Preheat the oven to 180°C regular bake.

Pat the chicken dry and squash the garlic cloves by pressing down on them one at a time with the base of a knife blade...or just bang them with a rolling pin. Halve 1 lemon and cut the other into quarters.

Put the chicken into a roasting dish and poke the lemon quarters into the chicken cavity with the garlic cloves, bay leaves, fresh rosemary and oregano.

Drizzle the honey, olive oil and lemon juice over the chicken and season well with salt. Pour the wine into the base of the roasting dish, add the lemon halves and tie the chicken legs together with a little cooking twine.

Cover with foil and roast for 1 hour.

Remove the foil, baste with the cooking juices and sprinkle over the dried oregano then cook a further 40 minutes until the juices run clear. 

Serve with the bloody fabulous roast tomatoes and crunchy polenta spuds in Stuck Together cookbook.

This recipe first appeared in Stuck Together by Sarah Tuck, available for purchase on the and in all good bookstores.