Preserved Lemons

From issue #8.
Photography by Minka Firth.
Preserved Lemons


12 unblemished lemons
2 bay leaves
1 cup coarse sea salt
3-4 cup sterile jar with glass or plastic-coated lid
1 cinnamon stick


Scrub 8 of the lemons and dry them well. Cut each lemon lengthwise from the top, into quarters, stopping 1cm from the bottom.

Pack 1 tablespoon of salt into each lemon then reshape.
Pack the lemons into the jar with the remaining salt, cinnamon stick and the bay leaves. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemons and pour into the jar.

Add enough boiling water to completely cover the lemons.

Seal and leave for at least 4 weeks, gently shaking the jar daily to redistribute the salt and juice. Refrigerate after opening.

To use: Remove what is needed from the jar. Scrape off the flesh and discard. Wipe excess liquid from the skin and slice thinly or dice as required by the recipe.